Sme-unit - for sale
7850 Enghien


227 m²

Rue Ilya Prigogine - 7850 Enghien


Reference 6552431
Category Sme-unit
Garage No
Parking No
Habitable surface 227 m²
Availability 01/06/2025


Construction year 2025
Number of garages 0
Inside parking No
Outside parking Yes
Number of showerrooms 0
Portance floor (T/m²) of max weigth on the floor 2 T/m²
Number of inside parking 0
Number of outside parkings 2
Type of roof flat roof
Sectional door Yes
Height of the sectional door 4.2
Width of the sectional door 4

Basic Equipment

Access for people with handicap Yes
Number of toilets 0
Elevator No
Double glass windows Yes
Cabling system Yes
Type of electricity 380 V


Blinds Yes
Access control Yes
Security Yes

Next To

Public transports (distance (m)) 500
Nearby shops Yes
Nearby schools Yes
Nearby public transports Yes
Nearby nearest city Yes
Nearby sport center Yes
Nearby highway Yes
Highway (distance (m)) 1000

Charges & Productivity

VAT applied Yes


Sewage Yes
Electricity Yes
Phone cables Yes
Water Yes

Ground details

Type of environment industrial environment
Type of environment 2 SME environment
Flooding type (flood type) not located in flood area

Type Of Equipment & Evaluation

Type of floor covering concrete
Ref. 6552431
Contact for estate : 6552431
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